August 14, 2023 by
“Excess,” commonly referred to as a “deductible,” is a term that you will encounter when you insure your motor vehicle, home or business. The term may seem puzzling at first glance, but it is important to understand it as it can significantly impact your financial responsibilities and the extent of protection your insurance provides.
Excess/deductible represents the amount that a policyholder is required to pay out of his/her own pocket for each claim made before the insurance company steps in to cover the remaining expenses.
Here’s an example how it works:
*Conditions apply
Excess/deductible is an integral part of insurance policies and serves three purposes:
This allows the insurer to focus their resources on more substantial claims.
The next time you encounter the term, “excess”/deductible” in your insurance policy, you will know exactly what it means and understand why it is essential.
At JN General Insurance, we are committed to clarifying insurance concepts so you can make informed choices about your coverage.